About Us
The American Home Elevator Company, making a difference for over 40 years.
我们所有的产品都是为了帮助人们移动而安装的——无论是改善移动问题还是简单地让生活更轻松. By listening to each customer’s unique mobility needs, 我们能够提供个性化的解决方案——无论是出于健康原因还是个人喜好.
Customer Service:
At American Home Elevator Company, customer service is our way of life. We maintain an uncompromising focus on customer service, from our distinctive professional dress to our courteous demeanor. Customers seek out, and stay with, 美国家用电梯公司因为我们的人相信和交付礼貌, personalized service every day. Our goal is to exceed every customer's expectations.
Personal honesty and integrity are the foundation of our success. 作为美国家用电梯在我们的客户和社区中的个人形象, 我们的员工承担责任,以最高的道德标准展示真正的承诺. We build loyal, long-term relationships with our customers by treating them fairly, meeting their needs, and earning their trust. 这些由个人诚实和正直维系的关系是我们成功的基础.
我们珍视使我们每个人独一无二的许多差异,并且知道这些差异有助于我们取得成功. 简而言之,我们要营造一个对各方都有利的营商环境. This is an integral part of who we are as a company and as individuals.
The American Home Elevator Company is locally owned and operated business. 我们的规模足够大,可以为客户提供各种优质产品, 但是我们的规模很小,我们可以花时间亲自了解我们的客户,并叫出他们的名字. Many of our customers have been with us for decades.

About The American Home Elevator Company
美国家用电梯公司于20世纪70年代初由约翰·H·安德森创立, in response to the inquiries of the disabled community who were seeking easy, 经济的解决方案,以克服步骤,目前残疾人的障碍.
At the American Home Elevator Company, we pride ourselves on providing safe, economical stair lifts, 365电竞平台和其他电梯产品,使残疾人社区的生活更容易. 我们知道可访问性对每个人都有多重要,我们努力为客户提供最好和最实用的解决方案.
美国家庭电梯公司经验丰富的专业人员提供销售服务, installation, service and inspection. 我们相信无障碍是每个人都应该享受的东西——无论年龄或挑战. 这就是为什么我们今天只提供市场上最高质量的升降机产品. 我们还与客户紧密合作,确保我们能够为您提供最符合您需求和独特情况的电梯产品.
Could you live in your house well into your golden years? At the American Home Elevator Company, we can help you live in your home safely, independently, and comfortably regardless of your age or ability level. If you are like the majority of Americans, 你想在你成熟的岁月里继续生活在一个熟悉的环境中. So why not start NOW! 在美国家庭电梯专业人士的帮助下,让您的房子成为一生的家.
American Home Elevator’s handicap lifts can be found in homes, schools, private clubs, and places of worship, providing freedom of access to our elderly customers and disabled citizens. Our motto is our work. 我们相信为我们的每一位客户提供获得自由的途径.
Core Values:
美国家庭电梯公司的核心价值观是:以客户为中心,承诺,团队合作,诚信. These core values, especially integrity, 是美国家庭电梯公司承诺成为负责任的企业公民的基础, to instill ethical behavior and impart responsible business practices.
Every day, 美国家用电梯公司继续保持其创始理念和核心价值观. 我们对这些价值观坚定不移的承诺使我们的公司和员工取得了成功, 我们已经将价值观正式化为一套指导原则,每个员工都能理解和接受.
美国家用电梯公司将60年的综合经验和产品知识带给我们的客户. In 1976 John H. Anderson started The American Home Elevator Company. Anderson had worked in the elevator industry and saw a growing need for easy, economical solutions for overcoming the barriers of steps and stairs. Today, 我们将继续热情地致力于电梯和服务行业,并致力于为客户提供最高水平的服务.
Client Focus:
Great things happen when we listen to our customers and to each other. 当我们真正倾听客户并了解他们的需求时,我们已经学会了这一点, 他们引导我们找到机会——从更好地为他们服务的小方法到可以为我们公司开辟令人兴奋的增长前景的新业务线. We listen carefully to one another, too. 每天面对面的倾听能让我们更有效地一起工作. At American Home Elevator Company, 我们明白,开放和尊重的思想交流是保持我们高标准的服务和个人成功的关键.
At the American Home Elevator Company, we have a full-time responsive office staff, as well as full-time technicians. This means that we never use subcontractors. 这也意味着安装和维修的报价通常在收到项目规格后的一天内为客户准备好.
Our brand is the most valuable thing we own. 我们每天开展业务,好像我们的成功取决于公司的好名声——因为确实如此. Our reputation is our most precious asset. American Home Elevator Company is built by its people: one transaction, one handshake, and one kept promise at a time.
American Home Elevator is a fun and friendly place where teamwork rules. We work hard to meet our goals for growth and success. But we work just as hard to keep our workplace enjoyable. 我们以热情、精力充沛、竞争精神和团队精神而闻名. And as we continue to grow, 我们明白,拥有一支乐观向上的员工队伍,才能最好地推动整个公司的集体成功, motivated, and highly committed to each person's successes.
我们的电梯技术人员是制服专业人员,他们在故障排除方面有经验和专业知识, retrofitting, and diagnostics. 我们的服务车总是备货,以便我们的技术人员有安装和维修所需的所有工具, thereby offering our customers quick and efficient service. If needed, 如果有需要完成的工作,我们也会为你提供一份建筑师和承包商的建议清单.
Wide Range of Products:
我们为客户提供各种升降机,并只选择优质制造商的最佳产品. We offer products from ACORN Stairlifts, Savaria Concord, Inc., Inclinator Company of America, National Wheel-O-Vator Co., Waupaca Elevator Company, Inc., Custom Elevator, and ThyssenKrupp Access. Additionally, we are familiar with and will assist you with all ADA compliance laws, as well as state code regulations.
美国家用电梯公司是托莱多商业改善局(BBB)的认证企业,是托莱多商会的一部分, as well as Toledo's Home Builders Association (HBA).